raising teens with confidence for college success podcast with ruth klein thumbnail

Ruth Klein is an author and founder of the nonprofit Universal Mom, which works to help children and teens uncover their talents through the art of writing. With her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology
and a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis on Health, Consciousness, &
Healing, Ruth is passionate about helping youth reach their full potential by believing in themselves.

Ruth and Shellee discuss:

– The best gift we can give our children is mindset awareness is personal development is self leadership because our children and our teens watch us like a hawk even when we don’t think they’re
watching us
– Quality time with your kids is important when it comes to them opening up with you and discussing what is on their mind. Offer 20 minutes to do something that they enjoy with them and they are more likely to open up to you.
– Ruth’s non profit Universal Mom helps dozens of families

Connect with Ruth:

Website: https://ruthklein.com/


Connect with Shellee:

Website: https://collegereadyplan.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr_WodPHDfSWEbiPdsRDbyQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gocollegeready

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collegereadyplan/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollegeReadyPlan/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/college-ready/

Email: shellee@collegereadyplan.com

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