Quotes from Shellee

Quotes From Shellee

  • “My mission it to help one-million students get into college and graduate debt free.”
  • “College is the stepping stone into a child’s future. If planned properly, the student will attend the best college for them, graduate in four years debt free and have a job waiting for them. Setting them up for a great start!”
  • “When my son got accepted into Harvard and had no debt when he graduated, it changed his life. He was brought up as a middle class boy in California. His first job out of Harvard was $106,000 a year.
  • “Starting a life without college debt allows students to buy their first car, establish credit, buy their first home and live without the stress of debt.”
  • “College Ready offers an all-inclusive strategy. Every element of planning for college is important. If you do not understand everything that is needed to be successful, you can not make an informed decision. We cover EVERYTHING with your family! We offer custom strategy sessions and are here for your whole family whenever you need us. We focus on the the whole student…. what is your student passionate about? What makes them unique? What are their gifts? Why they want to go to college? What do they want to major in? Choice of career/salary? What motivates them and how do we tap into it? We also help families understand that they do not need to go into debt to send their student to college. Knowledge from our financial team allows the family to make educated decisions before your student applies.”