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College Planning

We believe in taking away the overwhelm.

New Year Resolution For College Planning

Hello, Happy New Year! Shellee here with thoughts on “The single greatest New Year’s resolution for your college-bound child.

The best time to start planning for college is now it’s never too early. It’s never too late.

The most important thing to consider is: “When is your child ready to start speaking about their future?”

When are they feeling comfortable in asking to tour a college? It’s all about helping them figure out who they are why it matters and how we’re going to help them achieve their dream.

As parents, it’s very important that you play a role in helping your child plan for the entire college application and admission process. Unfortunately high schools cannot be counted on for this process. So you as the parent either need to participate yourself or bring in somebody to help you plan for your child’s future.

Now is the best time to start planning for college and your student needs you to help them navigate that process.

The best time to start planning next summer’s activities is right now. Colleges are looking at what your child does with their spare time. Do they bounce around in their focus? Do they have depth? The summer starts filling up in January. Act now because the best programs will sell out. You need to start thinking about summer the winter before they need to go.

So make your New Year’s resolution to take action now!

Let’s connect and talk more about your child’s college journey. Make an appointment to have you and your student talk one-on-one with me by clicking the button on this page.

The College Ready Blog

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