Harvard for Free

Harvard For Free? Really?!!

. . . and how your child can get into their dream school and graduate debt free

Hi, I’m Shellee Howard, the owner and founder of College Ready.

I’m a Certified Educational Planner and yes, my son really did get into Harvard and graduated in four years debt free . . .  and his GPA and test scores were not perfect!

I was presenting to a group of parents who want to get their kids in the best college without breaking the bank. When I said my son went to Harvard for 4 years for free, some of the moms gasped.

Really? Is it possible? HOW?!!

. . . and the more important question on everybody’s mind: “Can I get my child into college for free?

Some were excited. Some were skeptical. All were interested in hearing more.

Whether it’s Harvard, or any other college, there are two major points that you need to know.

First, you CAN get your child into a great college and have them graduate debt free. It doesn’t matter what income level you are at, there are things you can do to tilt the tables in your favor.

The second thing you need to know – if you do what everyone else does, it won’t happen. You will get into a lesser school and overpay. Did you know that 70% of most college graduates are unhappy in their career and the average student loan debt is $35,359 (source: https://www.investopedia.com/student-loan-debt-2019-statistics-and-outlook-4772007)  


Why do they fail when they could so easily get into their dream school, graduate debt free and have a head start in life?

The parents make a massive mistake and they don’t even know it.

You see, most people have it all wrong when it comes to college. They assume the high school counselor is taking care of everything with their student. Afterall, that’s what they get paid for right?

Unfortunately, it’s not like that. If you are depending on your student counselor, you will be missing incredible opportunities.

According to The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), the national student-to-counselor ratio is 482:1. In California it is 760:1. That means there are 760 students for every 1 counselor.

If you had 760 kids, how much time could you spend with each one? How much time can a counselor spend with each child? With YOUR child? The answer is, not enough.

The other massive mistake parents make is they leave the entire college finding process in the hands of their 17-year old son or daughter. Nothing wrong with that right?

Except would you allow your 17-year old to purchase a home for you without your help or assistance?

Heck no!!

College is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your life. Shouldn’t you be informed and involved enough to make wise decisions?

Is getting your child into a good college that you can afford important to you?

Don’t leave it up to chance.

Take charge.

Have a plan that works, and then work that plan.



P.S. Need help? I help busy parents send their students to a great college without losing their mind or their money. I would love to speak with you about your student’s specific needs.  In addition to having 100% success rate getting my students into a 4-year University, I was able to get my son into Harvard and graduate in 4-years debt free.  Having a strategic plan can save you both time and money.  What you do not know will cost you! To book a free strategy call, email me directly at shellee@collegereadyplan.com, or schedule a free strategy session here: https://collegereadyplan.com/free-strategy-session/

Yes, I want a Free Strategy Session!

What Schools Have Students Been Accepted Into?

Here are just a few schools where our students have been accepted. We have helped students get into Harvard, Yale, USC, UCLA, Arizona State University, Texas A&M, Boston University, Army West Point, and everything in between. Our students have been accepted into 166+ of the nation’s most sought after schools, and schools best suited for their major. Here are some of them, you can see a more comprehensive list here.

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